first-time wearing dentures

Adjusting to life with dentures can seem a little daunting. It is important to realise that dentures work differently to natural teeth. However, with a little practise, you will soon get used to them. After a few short weeks you may even forget you are wearing dentures. To help you reach that stage, we have made dentures as comfortable and snug-fitting as possible so there is little movement when speaking and eating.

Getting used to your dentures

Start off wearing your dentures for an hour or so and have a break in between. Slowly increase the amount of time weatring the dentures. Over the first few days you will notice the dentures become easier to wear. Note: if the new dentures are causing discomfort every time you wear them, take them out and contact us to remove any pressure areas. New dentures usually need minor adjustment to stop them rubbing or pressing too much on the gums.


Often the first thing patient notice about their new dentures is a change in their voice or a slight lisp.
We try to reduce lisping as far as practicable. The tongue is a muscle and will adapt to the new dentures with practise.
Reading aloud for 10 minutes-a-day will train the tongue and we have found most patients have made significant progress after a few weeks.


Eating is the second major challenge. We explain to patients that the front denture teeth are really only designed for appearance, lip support and speech and the back teeth for eating.
Instead of trying to bite into food, cut into bite-sized chunks.
This will prevent the dentures from tipping forward.

When you first get your new dentures, start off with softer foods and try to avoid sticky foods which will dislodge the dentures.
Allow yourself to slowly adapt to harder foods over time.

How long should I wear them each day?

It is recommendeded that you take out the dentures for 8 hours a day. Most people do this overnight leaving the dentures to soak in water do they don't dry out.

Wearing dentures all the time increases the risk of tooth decay, gum disease and inflammation.

Looking after dentures

Follow these simple guidelines.

  1. Steep in antibacterial cleaning solution (Sterodent) follow manufacturers instructions.
  2. Brush gently with a soft bristled toothbrush or denture brush to remove any debris.
  3. Rinse thoroughly and soak in water for 8 hours
  4. Optional: An ultrasonic bath filled with water or sterodent solution can be used occasionally to perform a cleaning of hard to reach areas and reduce tartar build-up.

If possible rinse your dentures under cold water following meals to prevent food adhering and causing discomfort.
Do not use toothpaste to clean your dentures - it is abrasive and causes tiny scratches in the acrylic where bacteria can multiply.
Denture-borne bacteria can lead to gum disease and decay of adjacent natural teeth.